You are not the only one who loves your cat!
Parasites are a common problem with cats, and prevention is always best.
The Companion Animal Parasite Council will speak on control.
Learn about Heartworm Disease From the American Heartworm Society, established 1974.
Chestnut Hill Cat Clinic prefers Revolution and Revolution Plus They are a very fine broad-spectrum product. Revolution Plus has the added benefit of killing common ticks. Revolution nor Revolution Plus are prescription medications and are not available for sale “over the counter”.
Read an interesting article about ticks and Philadelphia.
Our Zoetis representatives, are able to offer thru Chestnut Hill Cat Clinic, an online rebate with the purchase of Revolution Plus.
We also provide Bravecto Plus which has instant savings.
We work very hard to stay competitive with on-line pharmacies.
Have comfort in the knowledge that flea and tick products purchased at Chestnut Hill Cat Clinic come directly from the manufacturer.
Call the clinic at 215-247-9560 to ask our pricing.
Although flea and tick products abound, please call us PRIOR to using any product you might have purchased in a supermarket or department store!